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Begin cheap pillscom, uncle, I don t want to accompany you into the pit. Slym magic Su Hangdao, Senior, the gods are also telling the truth, and they didn t cheat you.As for everything else, it s just a sudden change in the middle.Taiao laughed, Boy, are you pretending to be confused or really confused, if not.I was fooled by the old man Chu, I am too Ao to run to this star of Panwang where the bird does not shit If it weren t for the old man Chu said that he would be reincarnated as the son of Shao Dian, why would I run to this ruined place and cause a lot of love Debt.In order to allow him to be reincarnated smoothly, I said that I can t bear it.Now that the son of Shaodian has been born, he still hasn t reincarnated.For the sake of my friend, I ve already done everything for my benevolence and righteousness.Tell yourself whether he has any pitfalls.Me At the end, Tai Ao was already a little angry.Nima, you have done such a nasty thing, are you really justified There were ten thousand alpacas in his heart, but he was a dragon god, so Su Hang didn t dare to show it.Su Hang laughed dryly and said, Senior, the reincarnation of the gods, was it not delayed by the heavenly demon empress As for you said that the son of Shaodian was born, yes, maybe the gods said that he will be reincarnated as Shaodian.