Luminess Airbrush >> Airbrush Review Custom Micron Vs Mr Hobby Ps771

This method was actually shown to me by drew Blair and it’s definitely made a lot of difference for me when I’m air brushing so I tend to switch between the two but generally I’ll have my finger over the front paint for airbrush, like so I’ve seen people use their thumb whatever works for you is what I recommend the other thing I like to do is use both hands, so grab your other hand, and that’s going to help you steady, the air brush when you’re moving left and right to do lines or if you’re doing some fine detail work airbrush gun.Using two hands definitely helps another thing, I’d like to do especially when using a heavier airline is I like to run it around my wrist like so and that takes a little bit of the drag away from the air brush when it’s just hanging down, now let’s say you’re using a gravity feed air brush with a straight up and down trigger like you see here rather than the slanted trigger that I showed you earlier, you can see how really you’ve got more room there and it’s a lot more comfortable to have your finger resting over the front of the trigger like so so again depending on what air brush you’re using will determine how you hold it and whatever is comfortable for you, if you prefer working like this, then by all means do so now let’s say you’re using a siphon feed brush like this where the jar sits underneath I like to hold onto the jar again run the hose along my wrist like so and using two hands with that jar gives you a bit more comfort and again, you’ve got no cup obstructing this area at all so you can really hang your finger over the front and get nice and comfortable with it.So that’s how I like to hold a siphon feed brush and you can definitely use this jar as an advantage to hold on to and keep the air brush nice and steady and the other air brush that I have which I use from time to time is a trigger brush like this and obviously with that one at self-explanatory, how to hold it just grip it like so and use your finger on the trigger again to make it more comfortable I like to wrap the hose around my wrist like so tip number two mastering double action, so you can get both single action and double action air brushes single action air brushes definitely have their place, however I use double action air brushes at all times they are trickier to get the fuel for to start with, but once you do then you can achieve all sorts of artwork to master your double action, what you need to do and this is going to feel extremely weird to start with is press down for air keep the air press down at all times and then pull back for paint, you can see, I’ve just got some reduce or in this brush so you can see nothing’s coming out and then I’ll pull back for.You also want to pull back and then return the trigger to the start position and then let go, don’t go like this and let go that’s going to allow some paint to sit in the front of that nozzle when you press down for air it’s gonna shoot on your work, I’ll give you a quick demo and then we’ll move on to the third tip going to remove the air cap whilst I’m painting I don’t like having it on, but just be careful not to drop your air brush, so what you wanna do is air on at all times paying on.Paint off if you want to do a fine line paint on paint off paint on paint off what you don’t want to do is find the paint weight, then move and then stop you also don’t want to use it where you’re going like that and letting go right, so what I’m doing is pulling back on that trigger and then letting it go and when I press down for air, you can see it’s spiders out on me so again pain on payoffs pain on panels pane on panels pane on panels. And I’m always using that double action trigger.Just to give you another perspective, just watch the trigger finger pain on pain off air is on at all times, so I’m not letting that, um go pain on pain off and then that way I can get nice smooth lines.And even when I’m coloring in it’s nice and even.So always remember Iran at all times pain on pain off tip number three tip drying, so if you’re painting flat out and especially if the temperature is fairly humid, you are gonna get what’s known as tip drawing it’s a normal thing and you may just see it on the end of the needle there there’s some blue paint build up, it’s going to continue to build up faster, if you’re not using the correct double action technique as I showed you in the previous tip to illustrate the tip drawing alot quicker what I’ve done is I’ve just used paint that hasn’t been reduced and I’ll incorrectly paint with it, so you can see, I’m not shutting off the paint properly, I’m going on and off and usually beginners experienced tip drawing a lot more frequent because they aren’t using the double action correctly and you may just be able to see that there is a buildup of blue on the end of that needle and that is the beginning of the tip dry and what that’s gonna do is if I’m painting away, you can see how.Yes.If I’m trying to pull a nice even line, it’s gonna start to go a bit intermittent on me.You can see especially through here it’s not that bad yet but after more and more painting, it’s going to be more and more evident, so there’s a couple of ways that you can minimize your tip drawing and clear a lot quicker, the first one is with the needle exposed carefully and I mean carefully use your fingernail and pick off the paint and that’s going to help to clear it and then you can blast it out a couple of times I would recommend using this method for air brushes that have a point five Mill needle or something like a point three five like what I’m using here even though I do do it on my microns, just be very careful because those needles are extremely fine, there’s 0.18 and point to three and if you’re too aggressive with your picking you can damage the needle, so just be careful of it, if you are going to use this method a safer way to clean it is to use something like this a cotton bud or q tip so you can see this one has a rounded end as well as a pointy end either will work but I prefer using the pointy end, you can get some water producer or air brush.Cleaner and just squirt a bit on there and then carefully clean that off and then the other end, you can use to dry and you can see even with me picking off a bit of that tip dry earlier, you can see what is left on there and remember the tiniest amount will obstruct your air brushing so if you’re having trouble tip drawing could be one of the issues, the other method that works pretty well is using something like a paper towel, you can use it dry, if you wish folded up a couple of times and just kind of poke your needle in there.Or better yet put some of the solution on there and then go ahead and do so and that’s a safe way to clean off your tip dry nice and easily again be careful though, don’t be too rough with it because the needle is delicate, because it on a damage it tip number four blasting out if you’re painting away and again you get your tip drying happening, which is inevitable, a good way to clear it off with an air brush with a solid handle like this is to unscrew the handle loosen the locking nut, you don’t have to completely unscrew it just loosen it a little bit and then that’s gonna allow you to pull the needle out. Press down on the air pull the needle out a couple of times and what that does is it’s just going to dislodge any dried paint that you may have stuck up in the fluid nozzle, once you’ve done it, make sure that the needle is all the way forward, otherwise you’re gonna get paint leaking out and it will go into single action mode and then the most important part is tighten this up, so that when you pull back, you are getting paint coming out and you can continue your painting so you need to remember to tighten that locking that if you don’t I’ll be pulling back on the trigger and nothing’s happening once you’ve tightened that up, you’re ready to continue painting, if you have an air brush with a cutaway handle which is this part here what you can do to dislodge using one of these you just press down for air pullback on the cutaway and that’s gonna clear anything out and tip number five is a quick tip about flushing through the back, so if you’re using one of these tabletop planning stations, you flush through the front first clean out your cup after you’ve tipped your paint back, providing you can tip your paint back meaning it hasn’t been compromised.Sized if it’s just got some producer or something in it I’d recommend then tipping it in a separate container and you can keep that as a pre mixed ready to use color with these tabletop cleaning stations they’re great for just flushing through the front, like so but when I’m flushing through the back I like to use just a little plastic container underneath what you need to do is remove the handle, loosen the locking nut carefully pull the needle out.And what you’ll find is paint will actually begin to travel up the back of this needle, so if you don’t flush through the back then you’re not really effectively cleaning it, and this could eventually get dried paint on it and seize up in your air brush, so what I’d like to do is using the squeegee bottle just flush through the backlog, so I’m just using water, just water based paints, you can spray a bit on the needle as well.