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In the end best herbal slimming tea, he won. Garcinia risks Zhu Tiandao couldn t help it.He didn t lose to Xiahouye, but Wantiansheng, Zhao Li, Liu Wenyan, Nan Wujiang a large number of powerful men came from the Daxia Civilization Academy.Even if Su Yu wants to go to Daming Mansion, he still has to consider whether it is appropriate.After all, even Su Yu himself is from Daxia Mansion, and his foundation lies here.A group of people are quite serious.However, Su Yu s side is not serious at all at this moment.He had just finished casting his soldiers, he was constantly persuaded by King Daxia and the others.With the help of Zhao Li, he had no choice but to go back to Daxia Mansion when the old and the new were changing.In fact, Su Yu wants to go to the heavens and all realms even more at this moment.The Wenmingzhi casting is completed, and he is still anxious to harvest it.However, the Holy Capital of Ten Thousand Heavens came to persuade, and Su Yu had no choice but to follow along.He came, it s nothing.The point is that at this moment, there are many people, and the key to many people is not that Su Yu is here, but the blue sky He is also from Daxia Civilization Academy.A place with a blue sky is definitely not lonely and crowded There are not many people here in Su Yu, and he doesn t need a guard of honor, but the blue sky is a guard of honor, soldiers clearing the way in front, scouts on both sides, strong hidden in the sky, from all directions, even There are some onlookers what they are, it s all blue sky Su Yu s mentality collapsed.
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