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I think someone mentioned this (The Anchoress?

I think someone mentioned this (The Anchoress?

thanks for this testimony. The old expression “clothes make the man” may not be perfect but does express that our clothes often affect the way we are regarded. I too am regarded very differently when I am in My clerical attire and when I am on my day off and just wear a casual shirt.

Thank you for posting this! It needs to be brought up much more often in parishes, at the very least in the parish bulletin. Europe is quite modern but I’m grateful that their churches are still in their right mind about proper clothing.

You are right. In the Holy Land there is some of this too. Don’t walk into certain holy sites in shorts.

In Italy and other countries they won’t let you set foot inside a Catholic church unless your shoulders and knees are covered

Very brave of you Msgr. Let me help a little, the ladies can get mad at me instead. Decent women and girls whould dress decently at all times. They should dress as if Christ were standing by their side – and indeed he is. When I was in school in the fifties the rule was full skirts, hems no heigher than three inches above the ankle, loose blouses, no exposed arms or brest bones, this all applied to the cheer leaders too.Read More »